Wednesday, April 25, 2012

My Old Clothes

My love affair with vintage t-shirts started young.

I was born in 1976 and consider the heyday of vintage t-shirts to have been 1976-1984, some of my most formative years.

My grandfather was a liquor distributor and my first night shirts were freebie schnapps t-shirts he gave to us. Must have been very funny to see a 6 year old girl in a "Pott and Coke" rum shirt.

Luckily my mother saved many of my old clothes in a cedar chest since the 80's.

I am starting to sell them on etsy. they are not really priced to move, and a lot of their value is sentimental, but I think they are amazingly sweet and can share them with the world.

Without further ado, my old clothes.